TF249064 – Sharepoint – TFS 2010 -> Purgatory

Posted on 05 April, 2012 in Products

Over the past couple of weeks I have been looking to add SharePoint integration to an inherited TFS 2010 install. I thought it would be easy enough as WSS was installed & working, but I was wrong, very wrong.

I ended up on quite an odyssey attempting to fix the TF249064 error which occurred when trying to add SharePoint integration via the TFS admin console. Below is the path I ended up taking to finally get what I was after. In retrospect it may have been that TFS was installed in ‘Basic’ configuration which is not supposed to transition to offering SharePoint integration, nonetheless the approach below got it working in the end & I thought it might be useful to note down here what I did.

  1. Repaired original TFS installation using installation disc.
  2. I hoped this would add the SharePoint integration if it could recognize that WSS was already installed; to no avail.

  3. Uninstalled & reinstalled WSS, after downloading the installer.

  4. same reasoning as point 1.

  5. Manually copied over the missing TeamFoundationIntegrationService webservice from a correctly configured machine.

  6. after reading several other websites about how to fix TF249064, I stumbled on the idea of actually testing the web service URL: http://MyTfsServer_vti_bin/TeamFoundationIntegrationService.asmx. Lo & behold it wasn’t actually there at all. I promptly copied it over from a correctly working test server I had setup previously, & was able to finally lay TF249064 to rest. (This may have made steps 1 & 2 irrelevant.)

  7. Installed TFS Extensions for Sharepoint.

  8. Run the Extensions Wizard from TFS Admin console.

  9. I still received issues during configuration in point 3, & I finally installed & configured the extensions, even though my test machine hadn’t required them.

  10. Added Sharepoint site to TFS admin (finally!).

  11. at long last TFS was able to recognize that SharePoint was there.

  12. Ensured Reporting Server had correct permissions.<

  13. some issues with portal creation were down to the reporting server permissions: User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed

  14. Opened VS after using power tools to prevent opening of last TFS server; (visual studio 2010 clr20r3 lcid 1033).

  15. a nasty & exceedingly annoying crash when VS opened & immediately attempted to load Team Explorer, finally solved using Power Tools: How to specify Visual Studio Team Explorer collection on start-up?

  16. Added new SharePoint project portal, at long last: Adding the SharePoint portal afterwards

  17. Install Visual Studio Scrum template for SharePoint using the following commands:

  18. to ensure the SharePoint website integrates to the Microsoft Scrum template 1.0 process template used in the Team Project. TFS 2010 team project portals – looking for Scrum

  19. Update elements.xml file to ensure Activation/Deactivation in the SharePoint website: File specified in the modules section of this template already exists.

  20. remove additional dashboard webparts that were created.
  21. location of the template files that need to be edited: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\FEATURES\TfsScrumDashboard

  22. Set permissions for other team members to access the portal.

  23. otherwise they’ll receive a permission denied screen.

And that was that! One of those painful trial-&-error experiences I wish IT had less of, albeit a useful learning curve understanding how TFS & SharePoint work together, & thanks to the authors of all the many pages  I ended up reading & using. Now I just have to upgrade to SharePoint 2010...